The revelation produced heroin in the Slotervaart Hospital in Amsterdam, has put the safety of the hospital and its staff at risk.
There is now publicly known that synthetic heroin can be made and that this is happening at the Slotervaart, "says Winter. "Everyone understands that the Pablo Escobar of the world are interested in this discovery."
Winter and De Boer since the end of 2013 the owner of the hospital in Amsterdam. They respond for the first time on the controversy that arose late last year when NRC and Het Parool that dissuade the hospital made big profits with heroin production. Production is according kept them always secret for security reasons.
The hospital could not comment on them, on pain of a fine of the Ministry, the principal. Winter says that no one has personally earned the heroin. "There is no eurocents gone."
Winter and De Boer bought end of 2013 the ailing hospital of the controversial businesswoman Aysel Erbudak and her business partner John Schram. Slotervaart Hospital still 1.7 million will receive Erbudak, which was declared bankrupt in May last year.
Erbudak used the credit to the hospital for private expenses. She now lives in Turkey. The hospital has paid 50 thousand euros to the curator who treats her bankruptcy, says De Boer. "We see if we can get money from her. With that inventory credit, the liquidator may do his work. "
Winter previously had a business conflict with Erbudak, where she threatened him. "She came out its commitments and we were not out. Then she said, I break you off to a breakers height. Winter did return. "That the police are actually rarely something with it."
Erbudak not deny that having told Winter. "It is a well known business term, meaning that you will do everything to release him from this position." A declaration saying they know nothing.
The hospital suffered heavy losses in 2013 and 2014 heavy losses: a total of nearly 6.5 million. De Boer does not know whether the hospital has come out of the red last year. "We now find really not interesting. It was financially always been bad with the hospital. "
The past two years have Winter and De Boer intervened firmly among the staff. Several medical specialists have to hand in wages, to bring more 'uniformity'. Also, some departments to increase productivity by seeing more new patients. "No one deserves more than 2 tons."
Source: Maud Effting, Tom Kreling Photo: Reuters
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