That the second Room. Talk the room this afternoon and Minister about it. PvdA and SP also want the test is going to be reimbursed, the VVD doubts.
Opponents fear the consequences: too much political guidance and parents who come under pressure. They offer a black book prior to the debate this afternoon to the room.
Dabo Tefke, initiator of "Down syndrome" is especially worried that parents under much pressure if the test will soon be accessible to everyone. "More than 90 percent already decided not to let their child be born if it is known that the down has. The pressure will only increase. Later on people will blame their weekly child into ".
Prohibited the Non-invasive Prenatal Test has long been prohibited. Since two years may academic hospitals in women with an increased risk of the test. But only if the combined test (the nuchal translucency and a blood test) has been shown to the child as possible down.
At the SIP-test can be tested by blood test three disorders, Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome and Patau syndrome. The providers of the black book are sorry that there is no choice is to Edwards and Patau test without down. "You can not say that you're not on Down would like to test. Download now seems also to a serious condition, it is not. Everyone should be free in decision, and the Government must look like steering factor. "
The Christian Union agrees and fears for a down-free society. The party also points out that in countries where the test already is accessible to everyone, the number of children born with down's has dropped.
Advocates The Labour Party is not afraid of it. "You see now also that parents who know that they have a child with down getting a very conscious choice. That will not change. The test should be accessible for everyone paid as soon as possible, "said member of Parliament Wolberts. "Now people travel abroad for the test, an undesirable situation. And the test is more secure than an amniocentesis ".
The SP and VVD also want access to the test, the VVD is still out or the costs to be paid to everyone.
The providers of the black book hope that the political parties again to start thinking about their intentions. Prior to the debate this afternoon, they offer their black book.
Source: Photo: REUTERS
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