The Nijmegen Martha Waaldike (1923-1983) began as a 16-year-old with keeping diaries. As a fanatical Nazi, she wrote many dark pages. The Nijmegen city archives revealed last month the first five volumes of her diaries.
The Nijmegen Martha Waaldike (1923-1983) began as a 16-year-old with keeping diaries. As a fanatical Nazi, she wrote many dark pages. The Nijmegen city archives revealed last month the first five volumes of her diaries.
When the war begins, Martha is an adolescent of 16. Her first diary she wrote at the age of 14. What lasts from the diaries is an image of a smart and outspoken loner. She speaks little girlfriends off, her Dutch is almost flawless and she has everything and everyone a clear view.
Diary Monday 13 or Tuesday, May 14th: ,, Now something in common, "the queen" that dirty bitch, fled to England with the government. She chases the Netherlands first war and then air them. Bah, filthy bitch. A few days in advance, before the war, was still in the newspaper that she had declared 'Orange stays in Holland.' '
Devilish side
She is the Anne Frank of the devilish side. Confidence in Hitler's Millennial Kingdom is with her so great that she even walks along one day after the liberation of Nijmegen (September 21 1944) in a demonstration of the Youth Storm, a Dutch version of the Hitler Youth. The members sing German militant and arrested, which means the beginning of a lengthy jail time for Martha.
It is ultimately a daughter of her half-brother, with whom she has hardly any contact, which she entrusts all of the stored material during her illness. Bringing the diaries in 2012 the Nijmegen city archives.
The first five journals are now published. Twelve journals (the period November 1940 - September 1944) will be published in the period from January 1, 2017 to January 1, 2020.
Source: by Daan Appels Photo: City Archives Nijmegen / Flip Franssen.
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