He could no internship at an animal and garden company in Drachten because of his homosexuality, but Bass did not let it sit. Wednesday he informed the same to have been made by the College of Human Rights.
Bas van der Meer (25) from Drachten thought his internship was arranged last November. But at the last moment he received a strange e-mail from the company where he was going to do an internship. It said that Bass was rejected because he was openly gay.
"The mail I received touched me deeply. I am discriminated against because of my sexual orientation, "Bass wrote on Facebook . "Not the fact that I was the problem, but expressing a different orientation, it does. The company came to Facebook out that I have a boyfriend. "
Bass decided to raise the matter to the Board for the Protection of Human Rights. Which says the company, firm A. Th. de Boer & Zonen from Drachten, the student should not have refused. "Undisputed has been established in that he was rejected by his sexual orientation," according to the opinion that the student dropped yesterday on Facebook.
According to the College is the Christian business not above the law. "Discrimination is prohibited on sexual orientation," according to the verdict. Bass is very happy with the statement: "Very nice to hear that there is discrimination, and that the legislation still is beyond belief."
Thursday talk the young man with the public prosecutor of prosecution. A ruling by the Board for the Protection of Human Rights is not binding, but weighs heavily when the court will decide about it.
The company does not want to respond in substance. "We do not comment on," said a spokesman at RTL Nieuws . Why not? "We have our reasons."
Source: http://www.metronieuws.nl/ by Zoë Above Photo: Facebook Bas van der Meer
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