The traveler must determine that the fine money is spent that NS must pay to the government as the carrier underperforming. This money should be paid into a fund yet to establish.
This was said by Minister Sharon Dijksma (Infrastructure) Wednesday at the general track consultation. NS deserves a fine for the performance on the high-speed line in 2015, is Dijksma with a "probability bordering on certainty" the case.
Glass sphere
"If you give now a glass globe me, I feel a sanction," said Dijksma. She is referring to the performance of the Intercity Direct, according the worst performing train in 2015. The high-speed line (HSL) were 236 trains. This was 12 percent of trains from Amsterdam not to destination Breda. "The performance is not good, also in terms of punctuality. It seems that this train could go perform under the bottom value, "said Dijksma.
The fine for the HSL would amount to 500,000 euros. An amount which the traveler 'ownership' over should get. "I want to discuss with the passengers' organizations where the fine can be best spent. What is a sensible spending and needs of the passenger comfort. "
The traveler would now have the idea that if NS will pay a penalty, then the money does not end up where it is needed. "A pocket-pocket system," Dijksma calls it. The new fund would have to dispel this feeling.
For a large majority in parliament, the poor performance of the train where fee must be paid before incomprehensible. They hammered Wednesday, therefore, the implementation of the 'three strikes out system' introduced last year. This means that if a carrier three times does not meet the minimum performance standards, for example, he may lose lines.
Source: by Anne-Fleur Pel Photo: ANP / Read the whole article at: -reiziger-sets-spending-money
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