Imagine, you have a disabled daughter and she is 17 years, but on her birthday comes almost nobody showed up.
It happened to the daughter of Marcel Kolder. "So sad, Mayim deserves a birthday party like any other child," writes Marcel Almere on his blog .
The story is massively shared on social media. Mayim is spastic, in a wheelchair and has severe heart problems. "She's a sick and pathetic, but if she does not see it yourself," Marcel continued.
Be normal
Mayim may "different" than her peers, she also wants to be above normal. "Good friends and girlfriends do nice things." But in practice this is difficult, it was on her birthday again painfully clear.
Marcel: "On her birthday she had personally invited 30 people, including 15 peers. With difficulty she has spent half a day to paste a beautiful invitation together. Which I scanned and printed for her. "
The disappointment was great when, a few family members and a girl from her class after all 15 boyfriends and girlfriends left it fail on the big day. "Only two of them were canceled, the rest did not hear from him. There we were with, cake, homemade savory snacks and 30 free tickets to a museum, "Marcel continued.
What the girl's reaction was? ,, It has done Mayim grief. "By telling his story, he hopes that something will change. Children ,, as Mayim get faster in isolation. People dare not quick to come to them and friendships is difficult. But the need for beautiful friendships is very large. "
Marcel writes that this is difficult for parents of disabled children. Through his blog, he hopes the feelings that parents of disabled children can experience to pull a taboo. "You as a parent also afraid of the future. The circle of friends that everyone so desperately need, is not there. And will probably never come. That is harsh and creates a bad feeling. "
new party
However, Marcel are not easily daunted, he wants to change things ". She is treated like a normal kid" So he is going to organize a birthday party for his new daughter. ,, Somewhere in the summer. I hope Mayim gets birthday she wants so badly. Complete. Including friends. "
Source: by Zoë Above Photo: Colourbox
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