Hemp Growers, illegal subletting and fraud in benefits and allowances. It is but a small part of the criminal activities that can take advantage of a seedy tenant if he or she has once a property managed to get.
Especially in the more expensive free sector, the problem of criminals who rent housing for their shady deals. That problem is not small. In 2014, faced some 1,000 landlords with a cannabis in one of their buildings.
Landlords who offer their homes through an estate agency have recently introduced a new way to fight with mischief residents. False documents must therefore be excluded as much as possible.
check Strenger
NVM estate agents do have long screening for new tenants but is now even stricter. Those who want to rent a house may be asked to include an employer's certificate or proof of creditworthiness. That was it earlier than often just now being audited as much as possible information supplied by the tenant at the source.
jointly liable
According to Bernard Muijsson, broker at WVO Agents Utrecht works that until now excellent. "We have made a number of screenings and all went well. It is reassuring that tenants are checked beforehand. "
Since 2015 landlords jointly liable for cannabis plantations in their buildings. This makes the detection of tenants with mischief even more urgent. About 150 agents therefore are already using the control system.
Source: http://www.metronieuws.nl/ Rens Oving Photo: Reuters
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