It was not just a murder of a hooker. The strangulation of Blonde Dolly in 1959 was world. The chic Hague prostitute after all, had a clientele of senior whore runners. Sjaak Bral plays a wonderful solo performance about the unsolved mystery.
Eighteen months delved Sjaak Bral the (police) archives through on the murder Sebilla Niemans alias Blonde Dolly (1927-1959) - upmarket prostitute at the center of The Hague and the address of many Hague and national notabel.
,, But, '' he says with Hague brevity, ,, I sat there for Jan Dick. The truth is not in the three archive boxes on this matter, which was barred in 1977. Which lies with the people who knowingly brought the research to soap. ''
"Cabadrama" the comedian calls (52) The program murder Blonde Dolly that Saturday in The Hague premiered. ,, It is a theater thriller. There's nothing to laugh at the Hague penozetaal, but during the tryouts, I noticed that the room is sucked into the excitement of the mystery. ''
The murder of the prostitute still appeals to the imagination. Thriller Author Tomas Ross wrote a book and a film about the affair was made. Crime reporter Peter R. de Vries dived five years ago in the case. In vain. Bral: ,, It is a swamp. '
Sebilla Niemans November 2, 1959 was found dead in her home in New Haven in The Hague. She was strangled three days earlier, and there was, according to the police report at as if they were asleep.
tin box
Her nightgown was unwrinkled, one of her fingers pointed to her vagina. There was no money stolen. The daily output to 160 guilders was still in a tin box on the mantelpiece.
Sjaak Bral: ,, Then there from above made every effort to cover up the murder. From notes of investigators shows that more doors were shut, as they followed a trail. Police officers were removed from the case. If there is missing evidence. ''
,, A taxi driver who wanted to declare under oath what politicians he regularly Binnenhof to Blonde Dolly was driving, was not interrogated by authority from above. ''
,, In the end, the evidence pointed in the direction of Gerard V., the bodyguard of Dolly. The suspect was personally interrogated by the chief of the criminal investigation. An official report was not made up. Gerard V. alive. He is 88 and I visited him. But he says nothing. ''
Source: By: Arno Gelder Photo: ANP / AD
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