The decision by State Secretary Van Rijn to last year without getting paid out of control very quickly care budget (PGB's), will post much criticism from financial experts. Inspectors of the Social Insurance Bank (SVB) crack the auditor about the uncontrolled PGB payments in 2015. This confirms a spokesman SVB.
What went wrong? When the payment of PGB's beginning pan out last year on chaos , grabbed Van Rijn State under pressure from the Lower House. He gave the Social Insurance - implementation works behind the PGB - formal commission to approve requests without check in advance and transfer the money from municipalities quickly to budget. That happened times tens of thousands.
,, It was even possible to request a Feyenoord season ticket and then you got into your account just for that money, "says an insider who wishes to remain anonymous on the state of affairs.
Only later has been manually or were rightly each application, an enormous task. Thus, although restored many improper payments, but not all. Exact figures are not yet available.
It was also decided "by mutual agreement" that forced payments were not recovered by care providers in humans, if there but care was delivered. The Minister of Health namely believes that budget holders should never be the victim of a situation which is not covered them to charge.
MP Renske Leijten (SP) is still stunned by the turn of events. ,, Van Rijn has ceased the impression that everything went well. He had previously must acknowledge the problems, emergency measures had been unnecessary. Now it is questionable whether all, including for municipalities, yet resolved properly. "
The lenders, municipalities, may be in big trouble now that the audit no stamp of approval will put on the audit report. Only in April is clear what the "nature and extent of the remaining illegality" and what financial impact it has on communities.
60,000 applications
It is not yet clear how many applications have been approved for the whole of 2015, without the regularity is really tested. In June, the Financieele Dagblad reported that it went until then to 60,000 applications. According to the SVB, a new figure will soon be known.
Municipalities have expressed concern previously that they end up paying the bill of undeserved PGB funds. Because the risk is considerable that it ultimately failed to recover all PGB amounts to the citizen.
Source: by Edwin van der Aa Photo: Reuters
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