With alcohol drink you have to wait until you are an adult. The same goes for smoking, driving, voting, visiting coffee shops and more.
For young people of Stoke-On-Trent, however, there is added a new rule: they must not enter the KFC without parental guidance.
The measure is the result of several brawls with some teenage gangs. A nearby McDonald's would have already followed the decision of his colleagues, writes the Daily Mail . For both it is the first time that they have to take such a measure.
,, The way these young people behave towards the staff is sometimes frightening, "said KFC manager Liam Dalgarno. ,, I do not want my people to go through. "
Yet there remains for the young hungry still an option, they are allowed to pick up take-away meal in KFC. They're the ones that are really off limits, because the turmoil often begins. ,, Many young people only come here because of the free Wi-Fi, "explains Dalgarno out.
The neighborhood Stoke-On-Trent is seen as one of the most anti-social areas of England.In frames of the "worst places to live" the potters city traditionally belongs to the top ten.
Source: http://www.metronieuws.nl/xl/ by Picture: Reuters
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