The Chamber wants him to fix his commitment in a letter.Only when that letter is there, will show whether the Chamber is satisfied with it, and can be voted on the law.Otherwise the debate will resume next week.
Dekker Media Act tried tonight still way through the Senate. This morning it looked like a narrow majority in the Senate can live with the changes announced by the Secretary of State. Tonight he tried to convince the senators also of the legal feasibility of his plans.
Dekker after pressure from the Senate under more controlled that politics can not interfere in the appointments to the top in public broadcasting. He also made promises about the control of broadcasters in their programs. Thereby getting the NPO, the board of the broadcasters, less power than Dekker actually wanted.
Additional law
Senators demand that he makes a supplementary law, which its commitments are black on white. Dekker wants to have around for the summer. He's in a hurry, because the reform of regional broadcasters already have effect on 1 January next year.
The State Secretary has promised senators that the entire Media Act will enter into force as well as the supplementary law was adopted. Senator Nagel (50plus) the whole procedure "crippled" calls, but a narrow majority seems to agree with the structure.
Dekker include negotiations with opposition parties D66, Christian Union and GroenLinks.
Source: Photo: Reuters
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