A plan of the Labour Party to fly over a month of daily hundreds of people from Turkey to Europe, seem to have a slim majority in parliament. Coalition partner VVD, however, sees nothing in the proposal and is now desolate, turned out Thursday during a parliamentary debate on asylum policy.
PvdA leader Diederik Samson wants the government represents and defends the plan next week in Brussels.SP, D66, Green Left, Christian Union and probably other small leftist parties for the plan. Together they get 76 seats, the narrowest possible majority.
VVD fierce
VVD leader Halbe Zijlstra responded when bitten by a viper: ,, If the House adopts the motion for airlift, not the government executes motion of "He will only think of an airlift when there are no boat people more make the crossing. from Turkey to Greece.
Malik Azmani, Member of Parliament for the VVD, PvdA plan had already been fired. He believes that Turkey must abide by the agreements, but the opposite happens. According to him, the Turkish police involved in transferring the boats. The plan of the Labour Party rewards in his eyes the Turks correct. ,, We have to give them extra root, but put a stick in the prospect, '' said Azmani.
Also PVV and Group Bontes / Van Klaveren are against. They think that the problem only increases and want the borders to be closed. At the same time they denounced the VVD because the cabinet of VVD / PvdA has called himself the agreements with Turkey.
Good will
Samson sees airlift ,, as a sign of goodwill. ' ,, If the EU show to Turkey that we are serious about resolving the refugee crisis, Ankara is in action against the smugglers. Now reigns mistrust and nothing happens, except that the humanitarian dramas growing by the hour. ''
Turkey and the EU have agreed to improve the reception in Turkey that the refugees no longer travel to Europe. This often happens in rickety boats which drown many people.
Source: http://www.ad.nl/ by editors AD Photo: Reuters
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