Dutch municipalities forced refugees continue to give priority in the allocation of social housing. By the big power walk the waiting lists for regular tenants.
From a round of RTL News under the municipalities of G32 (a network of 37 (middle-) large municipalities) show that of the municipalities who respond, the vast majority indicates the priority for status holders when assigning a social housing.
The municipalities are in a tricky package. In February asked Minister block (live and national) opinion to the Council of State about his plan to get the automatic priority that the so-called licensees when assigning a rental property, should be deleted. Municipalities must now decide. But because they do have a number of refugees per month, provides that problems. more and more municipalities yesterday showed all that struggle to all asylum seekers with a permit.
' Pointless and for the stage ' the law amendment to Block municipalities ' find pointless and for the stage '. "You cannot as municipality not to licensees to give priority," explains Alderman F of Lelystad. "Without priority do you get the tasks not. It is a political gesture of Minister block, but nothing changes. " In his city is the average waiting time for a social housing 1.5 year. Yet refugees a roof over their heads, there are agreements with Housing Corporation Centrada to licence holders in the urgency of order. So they retain, like other people who urgently need a property takes precedence.
"I understand the frustration at the municipalities, the hot potato is now passed while the tasks there just yet," said Marcel Trip of the living bond. Waiting lists for social housing are very long, he recognizes, but it does this not only by refugees. There is increasing demand for, for example, because older people want to continue to live independently for longer, and there are increasingly fewer houses.
Behind schedule The 390 municipalities should more than 23000 asylum seekers before 1 July with a residence permit, but they seem like the past year not to succeed. With only four months to go still need to get a House almost 18000 ex-asylum seekers, according to figures from Buurtfacts. At the moment there are according to the Centraal Orgaan Opvang asielzoekers (COA) 16007 licensees in reception places distributed over the country.
Bron: http://www.rtlnieuws.nl/ Foto: Hollandse Hoogte
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