Who is good with language, mastered the basic skill to learn, to understand and to express themselves well. The Government is counting it therefore to her job to children from 2 years to teach basic skill that if parents away Miss.
About the quality of this education is the necessary criticism. According to the Dutch Association of speech therapy and Foniatrie (SPEECH LANGUAGE PATHOLOGISTS ") is missing, however, an essential link in the political discussion: the commitment of the speech therapist as language and speech specialist.
RESEARCH into the EFFECTS Professor Ruben Fannie presented late last year a research on the effects of early and preschool education (vve) which showed that the educational programs on toddler groups and preschools had no sense whatsoever in the field of language acquisition, math and social skills.
These destructive criticism on the effectiveness of pre-school education was in response to Secretary of State for Mp Tjitske Siderius Sander Dekker for education, culture and science to the clearing. This, however, sees no reason to stop the investment in pre-school education.
QUALITY SHOULD BE up according to the LANGUAGE PATHOLOGISTS "has preschool education sense as the quality goes up and college educated speech therapists. A language deficiency due to a language development disorder (TOS) can can only be fixed with knowledge from a speech therapist. HBO-trained speech therapists can signal a potential language disorder, determine its cause and make a diagnosis. That diagnosis is essential for continued taalstimulerende vve (preschool education) or a speech therapy treatment.
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