e do this via an event on Facebook. The Interstedelijk Studenten Overleg (ISO) has informed the action Friday.
With the protest action the students against the plan of the NS in order to ward off during peak times by college students. The intention is to March 8, with as many students in the train to sit down during the busiest hours.
The action on Facebook is Thursday. ,, No one required students not to drive during rush hour, and certainly not the NS ', ' says ISO President Linda de Nie. , Rail passengers whose travel, Students are no third-rate right can be taken away just like that. Many students have evening jobs or other obligations. "
Students also have a petition posted on the internet. In it they demand that they be allowed to stay in the rush hour travel. The initiators say that the students after the abolition of the basic grant be packed again. Friday morning was the petition already signed by some 10700 people.
Source: http://www.metronieuws.nl/ by: Metro & ANP Photo: Reuter/ Metro/Facebook
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