In Japan was recently stood still at the atomic bombs that devastated Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.
Little Boy (Hiroshima) and Fat Man (Nagasaki) were the first and last atomic bombs ever used in a war. The deterrent effect of the new weapons was enormous.
In Hiroshima claimed the blasts 140,000 lives. Three days later, Fat Man in Nagasaki 70000 people to life.
What if?
To make it clear how great the devastation was, developed the American scientist Alex Wellerstein a Nukemap that shows what see what the impact of such a blast would be on any other place on Earth.
What if this bombs above Netherlands were thrown off?
As a Little Boy above the Royal Palace was exploded, then there was the whole canal belt nothing remaining. Within the first red ring would have been the shock wave so large that all buildings were torn down. The green circle indicates the area in which almost all people would die because of the radioactive radiation.
Within the gray circle all residential houses have been destroyed. The outer yellow ring shows how far the heat of the hit would reach out. By the bomb on the Dam would even visitors to the Van Gogh museum still third degree burns. In total, there are more than 80000 deaths and injuries 160,000.
Fat Man on the inner court would very political the Hague and a large proportion of all ministries have wiped out. Estimated number of fatalities: 115,000 65000 dead and wounded.
After 1945, however, scientists were not silent. By the arms race between the United States and the Soviet Union became ever more powerful weapons developed. New techniques such as the hydrogen bomb made even bigger explosions possible.
The first hydrogen bomb ever tested, the u.s. Ivy Mike in 1952, large parts of the Randstad in a blow away can wipe out. At a Southwest wind was to measure the radiation to deep in Scandinavia.
But it was the Russians who brought the largest bomb ever to blast. On 30 October 1961 clapped the ' Tsar Bomba ' 3 km height above Novaya Zemlya apart. The impact of the hit were absurd. The characteristic paddestoelenwolk went 64 km into the air. After the hit, the seismic shock three times around the Earth. The heat of the explosion had up to 100 kilometers away derdergraads can cause burns.
Off over the border city this would have meant that the Hague and Rotterdam were destroyed. Inhabitants of Amsterdam, Utrecht, Amersfoort and Breda would have sustained third degree burns. An estimated 1.5 million Dutch people had lost their lives and there were another 2.2 million injured.
Tsar Bomba ' such enormous bombs, which were tested at the height of the cold war, have never really taken by soldiers in use, let alone that they have been used in a war.
However, the current strength of the nuclear weapons still a lot bigger than in 1945. The largest u.s. bomb that still can be used, the B83, has a power that almost 100 times as strong as the bomb that destroyed Nagasaki.
Since the end of the cold war, the Russians and Americans their arsenal of atomic bombs. But this is going far too slowly, according to critics. The two countries still have a sloppy 10000 nuclear weapons. Also China, France, Great Britain, India, Pakistan and North Korea and Israel probably have atomic bombs in their arsenal.
Source: by: Rens Oving Photo: EPA Ivy Mike
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