René Tonneaux, the former accountant of the Walloon waste service (OWD) suspected to have embezzled more than two million, is held for embezzlement and money laundering. Yesterday he was questioned by police and then brought before the investigating judge is. The man risks a prison sentence of 5 to 10 years, says the Namur public prosecutor Vincent Macq. The officer claims he faced with financial problems.
"He has stated that he is for a period of a little less than 10 years money darkened. In the beginning he did it because he didn't have enough deserved to the end of the month. But because it's so easy, he continued, "said Vincent Macq. Still according to the Attorney gave René Tonneaux the money bit by bit. He would have done spending in hotels in Luxembourg, Austria, Knokke, etc. The investigators will check those statements and see if there was anything left of the sum.
New accounting system according to Tonneaux was easy to make money dimmable until 2015, when the accounting system changed. "The risk was greater, but he continued", until the fraud came to light, according to the Attorney.
René Tonneaux appears Tuesday before the Council Chamber.
Source: Belga photo: Belga
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