Many refugees get put off by the austere conditions and limited facilities in the Netherlands, in the reception centres. That says Refugees work against RTL news. According to the Organization, there is a clear, important and relevant aspects of strategy ''.
More and more men would want to back their passport because they want to return to Syria. They can leave their family not so long.
State Secretary Saha Deen denies that there is a determent and speaks correct one,, information policy ''.
He left a rather know that the asylum procedure can last up to 15 months, which led to great discontent at asylum seekers. That uncertainty will work according to Refugees for asylum seekers still prefer go back.
The discontent among asylum seekers is in some places large. As for example in the tent camp heumensoord at Nijmegen. The national Ombudsman called the shelter in the camp ' inhuman ' and residents complain about the conditions in shelters. ,, We are here for 5 months and the only thing we can do is sit, eat and sleep, "said the Syrian Ahmed Mohamadeerder. ,, We know nothing, have no spending money. It is really inhumane for so long as to have to live in a tent. "
Source: by: editorial AD photo: REUTERS
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