Who said there that Officer are a dopey course is? I touch is increasingly convinced that officials cursed with a high degree of linguistic creativity.
Koot and Bie brought us doom-mongering and ever new words like positivo's, forever young. Now they are overtaken from behind the administrative offices.
For where the duo still with fun expressions came, bending officials each day about the more serious work. They point, for example, a ' send group sector plan intersectoral mobility Noord-Holland noord ' on. And Deputy Tjeerd T opens up about a week the virtual ' who do I want to be square '. We come up with it. It does.
However, we find the real word virtuosos in the healthcare sector. There they now speak a completely different language. A heavy dialect with terms like ' respite beds ', ' ontschotten ', ' make ', ' conduit degree of self-sufficiency matrix ', ' work ', ' tilted keukentafel call ', ' intersectoral quality frames ', ' recovery supportive guidance consultant ', ' someone put in his force ', ' risk rule reflex ', ' self-management ', ' pathways ', ' hands-on approach ', ' system ', ' pilot multidisciplinary thought. '
This smoke screen to lapasaran the sad deterioration of our care for the elderly, vulnerable young people and people with disabilities.
http://www.noordhollandsdagblad.nl/ By by Ronald den Boer photo: NHD/Ronald den Boer
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