Flanders should full constitutive autonomy. That says Flemish Minister-president Geert Bourgeois (N-VA), who speaks in his own name in the standard and the news journal. He calls the Federal Parliament on the Constitution reviewed.
Following the presentation of the new manual ' constitutional law ' by professor Stefan Sottiaux (KULeuven) Geert Bourgeois, Flemish Minister-president breaks a lance for a (broader) constitutional agenda for Flanders. So reads the title of his lecture he will give tonight in Leuven.
Specifically, he demands more constitutional powers for Flanders and-as ultimate symbol-its own Constitution. There is nothing in the coalition agreement, the Prime Minister, but "I make use of academic freedom in order to give my personal opinion". "In almost all other federal States, the Federal States its own Constitution."
Bourgeois says in ' the morning ' on Radio 1 that he especially wants to add a "powerful preamble". "We are a nation, we have a shared history. We want a Constitution that can be bound. " He refers to Germany and the United States where "constitutional patriotism" prevails. "It is your community, it's a foundation which builds up your society for the future."
' One debate community refrigerator connect the other doesn't matter. As if there is no space in the meantime would be to have a good policy to voeren'Vlaams Prime Minister Geert Bourgeois But to make it happen, he can not go beyond the federal level. Bourgeois calls the Federal Parliament to declare the Constitution reviewed, so that by 2020 Flanders constituent power can get. If that is realistic, but the question. The Federal majority has agreed to all institutional is five years long in the refrigerator.
Bourgeois refers to the party up to from 2019 to get out again that the community refrigerator, a constitutional amendment to take effect and new powers to transfer. "At the moment, this is indeed not directly to the order, but it is sometimes good to have you thinking ahead." He refers to the current budgetary debate currently going on. "One debate connect the other doesn't matter. As if there is no space in the meantime would be to a good policy. "
What also is separate from the Bourgeois institutional stationary, is the Organization of separate elections for the Flemish Parliament. "For that we need another special law. The so-called Community standstill should not be an excuse for that not to create law ", the N-VA'er refers to this possibility in the sixth State reform. "The Flemish State formation is so far advanced that it is unacceptable that the Flemish elections as a second-class wagonnetje to those for the Federal Chamber."
Source: http://www.hln.be/ by Belga
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