Now NS had informed travellers to pay no compensation for the inconvenience they experience of crowded trains, start collecting Consumers Claim the burden of proof.
Make the next two weeks at least more than 8500 train travellers daily photos of their train trip to serve as evidence in court.
"Although NS has indicated to want to stay with us in conversation, we're going by preparing a possible lawsuit," said Ravi Sahu of consumer Claim. "An important part of the evidence is that we show on which pathways is structurally crowded trains."
HELP WELCOME to Smit appeal to travelers. The more than 8500 commuters who have connected already, but more help is welcome, said Smit. To travelers are asked to capture every day how busy it is in the train, on which path they travel and the time of departure according to the schedule. It relates to the period from Monday 7 March to Friday 18 March.
"By means of contiguous sets of photos can be shown that it is not sporadic pressure is in the train, but that it is a structural problem," says Smit. "The evidence is used to start in a possible lawsuit against NS."
STRUCTURAL travelers can enter their travel data easily and upload photos on the Consumer Claim. The image material may also be delivered via Twitter (#nsclaim) or the Facebook page of consumer Claim.
NS-Chief Executive Roger van Boxtel left last week know not to feel called to the millions of claim. "I respect the wishes of travelers and go serious with them in conversation, but no, we are not called to say: that we be here."
According to Consumer Claim have the commuter right to compensation of at least 50% of the travel costs to the problem of overcrowded trains has been resolved. The ticking counter is now on over 5 million euro.
Bron: by Anne-Fleur Pel photo: REUTERS
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