As Geert Wilders premier is, he finds it's a good idea to Flanders in Netherlands. This he said Wednesday in an interview with Drudge.
"If I become Prime Minister next year, I give back to the Dutch Netherlands. And if you want, I pick Flanders there is! "said Wilders during a speech at the colloquium freedom in Brussels. "Netherlands Netherlands must continue. And Flanders and Netherlands together, which may also of me! "
Rutger Castricum of PowNed Wilders spoke a few days after the speech. Wilders gave in the interview with Llink to that as the people themselves would like, it certainly would be an option for him. It need not be arranged immediately of the politician: "We do have more important problems now, it seems to me," said Wilders against Castricum.
Source: by Daisy Heyer photo: REUTERS
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