Tens of thousands of documents with personal data of IS-fighters are leaked. A former supporter of the terrorist group, the information passed on to the British broadcaster Sky News.
The Belgian competent services are still not aware of the content of the list, says Interior Minister Jan Jambon. All 23 questions you can read below.
In the documents according to Sky News the names of 22000 jihadists, but also phone numbers and data on family members of the fighters. The information would be stolen by the head of the internal security police of Islamic State.
According to the news channel contain the documents the data of fighters from sure 51 countries. They had to 23 questions when she wanted to join the terrorist organization, and, in addition, indicate which function they have wanted to. One of the options for this is ' martyr ', or the like to carry out suicide attacks.
Some of the documents contain information about up to now still unidentified jihadists from Western Europe, Canada, the United States, North Africa and the Middle East. "Sky News has informed the authorities," says the transmitter on his website.
Read the whole article at: http://www.hln.be/hln/nl/33982/Islamitische-State/article/detail/2641822/2016/03/10/this-is-the-questionnaire-that-jihadi-s-must-.
http://www.hln.be/ source: ANP, dhtml whiten/Belga photo: SkyNews
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