More having that sometimes does not: a McDonald's employee moves thousands of hearts because he is someone with disabilities helped his hamburger to eat it. A customer made a picture of the heartwarming scene in Taiwan and placed those on Facebook.
"There are too few such people on this world," wrote ' Li Ting '. "My friend and I were very touched when we saw this. Also striking how readily he dealt with the situation: he remained friendly and patient all the time against that person. Thanks to assist him at that meal, so he can continue with his life. "
According to a spokesman for the hamburger chain is studying the good Samaritan at the University. In his spare time, the 19-year-old Hey do odd jobs. "He noted that the guy at the plod was and asked if he could help. At that time it was however still busy in the restaurant. " The company will reward him allegedly for that Nice Act of charity.
"Serious storage earned" the most beautiful compliments, however, He gets through social media. "A young guy with a bright future", it sounds there. Or again: "what a life, I'm so moved." And: "Here he would be a serious storage for."
Three months ago a flight attendant brought one of its passengers cry by him on her knees to feed. They too went around the world because of so many people love. sumit Verma source: Daily Mail Photo: Slokka
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