Donald Trump would not interfere in the debate on the influx of Syrian refugees to Europe. That showed when RTL News correspondent Erik mouthaan asked him to its opinion to European leaders.
On the question of what Trump Federal Chancellor Merkel would advise about the arrival of Muslims to Europe, replied the Republican frontrunner somewhat evasive. "I wish them success. Chancellor Merkel should do what they need to do, but I wish everyone success. "
Trump in more diplomatic terms "it is striking that Trump aloof loves this discussion," according to maharjan. "He calls for Muslims the us no longer in may, and has previously said that Europe makes a ' tragic mistake ' by large groups of Muslims, he talked about ' the end of Europe '. But since then, Trump has become more diplomatic terms. "
The businessman further said to expect that he will score ' good ' in Florida and Ohio, two of the five States that are voting today in the Republican primaries.
Source: by: RTL News Photo: RTL
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