Vijfiten percent of patients is upon entering the hospital already malnourished. This is evidenced by an examination of the Steering Group Malnutrition, the Dutch Association of Dietitians and the VUmc.
The percentage varies by medical specialty and varies per branch between 2 and 38 percent. Thus, most frequently for malnutrition in geriatrics, Oncology, internal medicine and gastroenterology. Patients on these departments are 1.4 day longer in the hospital on average than well-fed patients.
More than half a million patients were screened for the research. The results are presented in The American Journal of Clinical Neutrition.
Slow recovery restore malnourished patients less fast according to the scientists. They also get to deal with more serious complications: their muscle mass is reduced due to an overall decrease in the condition. Also the capacity of the heart and lungs.
By the slow recovery of the malnourished patients is a longer hospital stay and increased drug use. This also means an increase in hospital costs.
Source: by: REUTERS photo: REUTERS
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