Brugge/ZEDELGEM-while he with his train to 120 km/hour to a level crossing, saw driver David Nagar at the last minute a mountain biker barriers between the slalom.
It ran well, but Nagar was very impressed so much recklessness, and wrote off his frustration in a Facebookpost. The SNCB asks everyone to that post as much as possible, to share.
"What did you think when the barriers were down?", ask Nagar, while he stresses how quickly a train approaching such a handle though. "You thought for sure not that I came there to 120 km/h off. You didn't think I had no possibility to stop more. "
The next time it runs less well off fears the train driver. "Maybe you will learn on one of your next slalom ever a driver know up close but I can assure you that that introduction than short-lived and expendable."
Nagar hopes that the post will reach the mountain biker, so he just stands still at what he risked. "If people share it then comes the cyclist this maybe to know. I hope he then think twice before to do it again. "
Source: by sndt photo: David Nagar
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