Amsterdam calls demolition stop houses and monuments

Gepubliceerd op 16 maart 2016 om 08:09

The city of Amsterdam is going to be much more ancient buildings and monuments to keep trying. Especially when it comes to rental properties, the city will not quickly agree more with demolition.

332bc2cb-d70c-4bf0-a497-a75a817174bc-3.jpgThe Amsterdam Administration will next week a proposal to the City Council. It reacts to a point of the SP, which is signed by green left and supported by, inter alia, D66. The motion has a majority in the Council. The SP calls for years in all of Netherlands to restraint in the many demolition plans.

Especially commercial parties and housing corporations hesitate according to the SP in their construction drift not to demolish houses and beautiful buildings, which with some adaptations and renovations a beautiful second life. The SP is especially disturbing that in this way good residential houses are destroyed, without certainty about what to do.

Neglected the SP and Green Links indicate that homes that on a demolition list often neglected. Owners decide not to commit more maintenance, because the houses are broken down anyway. Tenants stay in a House with overdue maintenance. The longer it takes, the further the houses deteriorate. Also the Amsterdam college now writes to the Council that it is not desirable if residents have no certainty about the future of their area, while in the meantime the homes that they inhabit become run down.

At the insistence of the Council is now a ' slooplat ' in which all the criteria for demolition. The structural State is an important part. On the basis of the demolition list will critically examine the municipality or to demolish the homes on the list of buildings, not still can be saved. Also will there be a ' framework ' demolition in which the City Council is the demolition of buildings motivates, if demolition yet.

Read the whole article at: ~ a4263429/

Source: TON WOMEN photo: REUTERS

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