Female staff of Nieuw-West district may not wear skirts above the knee or knee boots at work appear. Do they do that though, this is followed by dismissal.
That State into a threatening email that female employees of the city ticket office received from their team leader. ' From now on, I would like to make an appointment that ladies wear a skirt or a dress that is not shorter than just above the knee. Also I don't find knee boots due to the desk. This is also the last request that I make (sic). The next time I send people home and no longer to a store to go get something, ' writes the team leader.
and employee sent the mail to the Central Works Council (COR) of the city of Amsterdam to complained to do. Chairman Mario Soriano thought for a moment that this is a joke went, but soon got by that mail is indeed serious about. "I find it very strange that in 2016 in Amsterdam such attire requirements," says Soriano. "I'm also going to Googling to knee boots, because what is wrong with that? Nothing, in my opinion. I have found pictures of Queen Maxima and Minister Hennis they wear. "
Central Administration according to Soriano is the team leader not in the position to tell employees what the dress code. "That's policy from the municipality is determined. Of course you have there look representative, but certain items of clothing ban, that is not to a single team leader. "
The Amsterdam politics reacted furiously on the message. ' We're going to figure out this right away. Bizarre, and if it is true; completely unacceptable, "tweeted VVD-Councillor Dennis Ya. Rutger Groot Wassink by green left questions to Council announced.
Jeroen Mirck of D66 in Nieuw-West lets find the issue about the ' absurd ' dress code Wednesday morning to cards in the Administrative Commission. "This kind of requirements do not belong in an open and tolerant city like Amsterdam. (..) D66 wonders why there in Nieuw-West on its own more stringent requirements are applied. That is contrary to urban policy. "
Skirt day Achmed Baâdoud, District President of new West, says hope to joking and points out that urban services under control. On Twitter he called 15 March spontaneously from to for men and women in skirt day Nieuw-West.
Wednesday afternoon, Soriano emergency consultation with Karthik M, Director of services of the municipality, which also reacted with astonishment on the message and immediately asked for clarification. "We will see what steps we can take. We want to get to the bottom figure out how this culture has at all may arise at the city one-stop shop. "
Source: http://www.parool.nl/by: JOSIEN WALSH photo: Thinkstock
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