Homeless in America after Golden tip to police

Gepubliceerd op 16 maart 2016 om 10:29

Worries about money are for the American homeless Matthew Hay-Chapman for the time being, a thing of the past.


The man has 100,000 dollar (more than 90000 euro) received from the police, after its golden tip two fugitive prisoners are picked up.

ESCAPE the police in Orange County, California, had offered a reward of $ 150,000 after three men had escaped from prison. The three had thick metal bars sawn through and knew through pipes to reach the roof of the prison. With some hanging sheets they climbed from the third floor down.

One of the fugitives gave themselves over to the police, but soon the two other crooks were days long untraceable. Will be shown on tv were pictures of them. The homeless Matthew saw the fugitives then sit in a stolen van and alerted the police. That action earned him no less than 100,000 euro.

MORE LUCKY ONES the rest of the reward was divided about a man whose van was stolen and two supermarket employees who had provided surveillance images on which the prisoners.

A taxi driver who was kidnapped for a week by the escaped prisoners had also possible some of the reward expected, but he has bad luck and gets nothing at all.

Source: www.metronieuws.nl/ By: Astrid Ottens photo: Colourbox

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