Amsterdam is going to owners of the vieste hotels in the city to move their property to build homes. The municipality wants to avoid that the capital also in the future prominent rated on the list of dirtiest hotels.
This is stated in the new hotel policy of the college, that Friday was presented. In it announces responsible Alderman Kajsa Ollongren, as expected, a brake to the arrival of new hotels throughout Amsterdam.
The capital over the past few years consistently scored high in the reviews that Tripadvisor site keeps track about the hotel vieste hotels in the world. In the top ten by 2014 were even three Amsterdam hotels.
Strings now owners of Amsterdam wants to attract such poor hotels they stimulate to build ' to a desired function by the municipality ', such as live. As hoteliers do that, they should develop a new hotel elsewhere in the city, provided that it meets the new, strict rules of the municipality.
Ollongren pulls the strings for new hotels intently. Who wants to open a hotel in Amsterdam, will only get a chance like that is a very special establishment. The municipality is located in the sequel no new hotel plans more, unless they add something to the city.
17000 rooms there the lines are significantly tightened. So, project developers and hotel operators in the future demonstrate the value of their establishment for the neighborhood is, how it is with sustainability and working conditions. A team of the municipality assesses those plans and then displays a binding advice.
The more than a hundred hotel plans that there already are for the whole of Amsterdam, however, can just go ahead. That can cause, in addition to the existing thirty thousand hotel rooms, up to 17000 rooms again.
Deficit Amsterdam wants to try as much as possible of that new construction plans submitted to tempering, especially on projects where little shot in it. The past two years is that 22 of the 128 hotel plans succeeded. Thereby the growth over the next few years finally around the 6500 rooms come true.
Hotel by the strict rules there may be a small ten year a shortage of hotel rooms in the city, which visitors elsewhere. Ollongren adheres to the policy of her predecessor Carolien Gehrels, that further hotel growth in the region should take place, along with the region municipalities.
Such a shortage of hotel rooms in the city, according to Deputy Mayor of Laurens Ivens (housing) lead to the rental of private homes through Airbnb will increase further. From calculations to six thousand homes extra than be used for holiday rentals, on top of the more than eleven thousand which are already at Airbnb.
Maximum rental term Ibrahim would like to play a more active preparation of Airbnb to moderate this growth: the company should the illegal offer-to more than four people rentals, the rental of social housing or rent exceeded the sixty days a year-are more stringent. The Americans doing that not, then threatens Amsterdam the cooperation with Airbnb.
The municipality will now examine whether the maximum rental period of sixty days can be shortened. Also, the complaints line that opened last summer was temporary, permanent stay in the air to file complaints on illegal hire. Source: HERMAN SILENT and MARC KALIA photo: Eva Plover
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