Smoking the hookah can inhale high concentrations of carbon monoxide in shishalounges, according to new research by RIVM. Secretary of State Martin van Rijn (prevention) is concerned and urges municipalities in a letter to controls.
When smoking a hookah with coals comes to thirty times more harmful carbon monoxide rather than smoking cigarettes. This can lead to poisoning, with nausea and even death as a result. Visitors of water-pipe at an increased risk.
According to the RIVM, the amounts of carbon monoxide in areas where water pipes are smoked out "above the maximum permissible values." In recent years made a number of reports of people who have become ill after visiting a shisha. The number of these is growing hospitality companies. Amsterdam, The Hague and Rotterdam have dozens of water-pipe, in smaller cities they are.
The damage caused by carbon monoxide in addition to the usual poisons during smoking: tar, nicotine and heavy metals. State Secretary Van Rijn sent on February 9 following the RIVM signal a letter to the Association of Dutch Municipalities. In it, he calls attention to proper controls on carbon monoxide in the water-pipe.
Van Rijn also refers in the letter to risk mitigation measures such as good ventilation, placement of carbon monoxide meters and regular checks of values. "I urge the local authorities here to supervise," said the minister. RIVM emphasized in its opinion the importance of good air quality monitoring at shishalounges.
smoking ban
The National Institute will further investigate the composition of the smoke from various raw materials for hookahs' to get a better understanding of the risks to health. "
The hookah is popular especially among young people. A quarter of the population has ever smoked in this way. The pipe is by far the most used at home with friends (63 percent) or shisha (18 percent). If there is tobacco in the mixture, the water pipe under the current smoking ban.
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Also on menu
In 47 catering establishments can be smoked, according to the municipal water pipe throughout Amsterdam. Most of them are shishalounges, but there are also restaurants between where water pipe on the card. The Amsterdam municipality registers for a few months which cases offer hookah, so that we can check that the smoke does not spread to the neighbors. Also, the ventilation is held in the holes. It could be that not all restaurants that offer hookahs have ventilation, a spokesperson of Mayor Eberhard van der Laan.
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- by: EDWIN VAN DER AA Photo: Reuters
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