The Swedish contraterreur- and deradicaliseringsexpert Magnus Ranstorp exhorts to urgent consultations between government and the Muslim community.
"It is critical that governments now work with the Muslim community," said the Swede Magnus Ranstorp, serving as research director of the Center for Asymmetric Threat Studies (CATS) at the Swedish National Defence College has twenty years experience leading to counter-terrorism and deradicaliseringsprojecten. "Without help from within the fight against radicalization and terror can not be won."
Did you expect such attacks in Brussels?
"An attack of this magnitude is always unexpected for the general public, but unfortunately I am not surprised. We knew since the recent attacks that Belgium and France for IS are one large operational area. The perpetrators may have come from abroad, but my intuition says that the attack was locally prepared.
The scale of the attacks suggests that they have used high explosives, TATP as possible in Paris. Because such material is very unstable, sensitive to heat and friction, it can not be transported too far. "
Was the relief of the security forces after the arrest of Salah Abdeslam then falsely?
"I understand the relief, it is a human reflex, but given the size of the IS terrorist threat did all the experts that the danger was not over. Chances are that the cell which Abdeslam part or in parallel would work with him, his attacks brought forward because he was arrested. "
Read the full article at: By: Martin Rabaey Photo: Newspaper
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