The attack on the airport at Zaventem could have been a lot more intense. One of the three terrorists fled and has not detonated his bag of explosives. In the bag were the heaviest explosives, announced the Belgian public prosecutor.
The bomb was very unstable and is still explodes spontaneously at a later time. While no injuries. Which only fell in two earlier explosions.
The attacks in Brussels were committed by, among others, the brothers Ibrahim and Khalid el Bakraoui. Ibrahim was one of the perpetrators of the suicide attack at Zaventem. He is identified by means of his fingerprints.
Khalid committed the suicide attack in the subway. Also, he is identified by means of his fingerprints.
The Belgian police security footage yesterday issued free of the three terrorists in Zaventem. The middle thereof Ibrahim el Bakraoui. The left man has also blown up himself. His identity is still unknown. The third man, who fled, is right on the images. His identity is unknown and he is still a fugitive.
Yesterday there were reports that automatic weapons were used in the attack on the airport, but the OM says no weapons were found outside the explosives.
After the attacks, the police made a search in different places. In addition, be sure two people taken in for questioning. One of them is released.
A taxi driver who had brought the three terrorists to the airport, the police has led to the apartment where the perpetrators were preparing their attack. In this apartment is 15 kilos of the explosive TATP found. Furthermore, there were 150 liters of acetone, 30 liters of oxygen, water and various materials to make bombs with it, such as detonators, plastic bins and a large bag of screws and bolts.
In a garbage can in the street found a laptop containing the testament of Ibrahim el Bakraoui. In the will, he says he feels helpless, no side can and does not want to end up in a cell.
certainly fell in the attacks in Brussels 31 deaths and 270 people were injured. By: Photo:
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