If emergency doctor at the Stuivenberg Hospital is Kevin Vereecken often in the front row to take care of disaster victims, but after the attacks in Zaventem he waited especially terrified by news of his sister, who was missing more than 30 hours. Writing Gazet van Antwerpen.
The desperation rebounded yesterday from the Facebook profile of Kevin Vereecken, Councillor for the N-VA and an emergency physician ZNA Stuivenberg. "Increasingly worried about the absence of any news about my sister.
We know that the emergency work hard, but the uncertainty starts to turn into pessimism, "Vereecken posted on Tuesday, hours after the terrible attacks in Zaventem and Brussels.
A few hours later there was another glimmer of hope. Karen North Loved (30), the sister of the man Vereecken, appeared as a victim of the attacks to be included in the Erasmus Hospital in Brussels.
72 hours crucial
"Karen is very bad shape, her condition is still critical. But she is still alive, that's what counts now. Her chances of survival? I'd rather not comment on. But as time goes on, will increase her chances. The first 24 to 72 hours are critical. "
www.nieuwsblad.be/ By: Antwerp Gazette Photo: WH GvA
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