Football legend Johan Cruyff is deceased at the age of 68. This can be read on its own website. "With sadness we have to announce that Johan Cruijff surrounded by his family, and after a fierce battle against cancer, deceased on March 24 in Barcelona," as is stated on the site.
More than four months ago cancer was established by the former player and coach of Ajax and Barcelona among others. Since then he has appeared little in public and came piecemeal news out about his illness.
Cruyff goes unchallenged as the best footballer ever Netherlands
produced. After his active career he became coach of FC
Barcelona. After his active career he became coach of FC Barcelona. Which position he had to resign temporarily in 1991 because he suffered from arteriosclerosis. After bypass surgery his doctors advised him to stop emphatically smoking.
This month Cruyff still was visiting the Dutch Formula 1 driver Max Verstappen during the winter test sessions at the track in his hometown Barcelona. There he made a vital impression. Photo: Reuters
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