They find it a bad sign that the Belgian terror suspect Ibrahim El Bakraoui who was deported from Turkey to the Netherlands last year, was not known to the Dutch and international authorities. El Bakraoui is one of the perpetrators of the attacks in Brussels.
The conclusion is that cooperation has not gone well, Jeroen Recourt think of ruling party PvdA. But the Netherlands' role in it, he can not yet, he said in response to the explanations Minister Ard van der Steur sent Thursday to the House.
CDA leader Sybrand Buma find that the whole process ,, happens extraordinarily amateurish '. ,, This is a lot wrong with Turkish, Belgian and Dutch side. International cooperation is lacking and information exchange has been very poor. ''
Also PVV leader Geert Wilders is not satisfied. ,, Why has not occurred very urgent message above? Incomprehensible. Why is later assumed no search warrant when they possibly knew more about him? What did the two services about him? In short, a thousand questions! ''
The concerns of D66 are not diminished. ,, The minister speaks of "the system" that has not worked. But what about the people who work with this system? Why has not contacted the Turkish authorities? '' Asks D66 leader Alexander Pechtold himself.
Group Chairman Jesse Shamrock Green Left believes that Turkey and Belgium stabbing have dropped. ,, But the Netherlands does try very quickly to wipe your own street. The defense of the cabinet is very formalistic '' The Christian Union wants to know why the expulsion was not observed, and why there is not questioned.; the VVD did not respond yet.
Friday the Chamber will hand written questions on the issue. There may be a debate on Tuesday the attacks in Brussels. by Metro & Reuters Photo: Reuters
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