Flemish parliament and Aalsters ships Integration Karim Van Overmeire (N-VA), the criticism up on a Facebook post in which he used the term "bearded monkeys".
The former Vlaams Belanger reacts Saturday especially brightly on his critics. A picture of a terrorist with five bloodied, severed heads should reinforce his message.
Of Overmeire is not at all set up with the criticism. On his Facebook page he posted Saturday a new, very explicit pictures, this time of a terrorist with bloody knife which squat behind five decapitated heads.
"To all those who think they have to spell me the lesson: where do you think you get the moral authority to do this? "N-VA'er fulminates in the same facebook post. "Should not you go and look in the mirror and ask yourself if you go through all that cuddling, gepamper, looking away, good talk, let two-sizes-and-two-weights, flat electoral calculation and ailing political correctness also have not contributed the upheaval which is now this country has taken possession? "
"And when you are finished, but invent something appropriate expressions lords as below," Van Overmeire concludes referring to the picture. "Guys who murder people in the name of a backward ideology, women reduced to sexslavinnen, educating children to suicide bombers blow heritage and want to spread the goodness of their caliphate throughout the world."
N-VA summit: "He may express his indignation"
National N-VA summit sees no problem with the Facebook Posts Van Overmeire. "Karim has the right to express his indignation, outrage expressed by many people," said the spokesman of President Bart De Wever.
At the N-VA headquarters one sees no problem with the term "baardaap or posting as an explicit photo on facebook. Every bird sings as it is beaked, sounds. The criticism that this 'Old School Karim' goes, referring to his past with Vlaams Belang, called the Weavers spokesman "cheap". "It refers to anything."
http://www.nieuwsblad.be/ by Guy Stevens | Source: Belga Photo: N-VA / Image Desk
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