It should be an offense to non-punishable goods such as phones, to smuggle into the prison. For this, the VVD pleaded. Now the smuggling of such goods is not seen as a serious offense.
That is necessary, the VVD thinks. "The detainee may continue criminal activities from prison with a smuggled phone. Also can be ordered potential weapons," said parliamentarian Foorthuis of East.
More urgent by drones
The smuggling of contraband, such as drugs or weapons, is already punishable. But someone, for example a SIM card on a prison wall tosses gets most fined for environmental dump, according to the VVD. "That's not enough. The fact that there can now be flown drones, this only makes it even more urgent."
Figures on the amount of smuggled goods in Dutch prisons gives the VVD not. editorial Yahoo! News Photo: Reuters
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