The public prosecutor is investigating whether terror suspects use in France and Belgium Netherlands as a refuge, writes NRC.
The manhunt for those involved in the attacks in Brussels and Paris, holds Prosecutor Bart den Hartigh note that they flee to our country. He is responsible for the terrorism approach in the OM.
The Hartigh indicates the state of emergency in France after the attacks on November 13 in Paris. As a result, found many searches instead. "I can imagine that one thinks. I'd better go somewhere else that we are investigating," The Hartigh tells the newspaper.
Jelle van Buuren, terrorism researcher at Leiden University, does not think the terrorists are hiding here. He says that wanted terrorists have settled in other countries in the past. If they feel rushed, says Van Buuren, then they will probably draw more in an environment that is not yet known.
Zerkani network
This week were done several searches in Rotterdam. Thereby became terror suspect Anis B. arrested . He has links with the Zerkani network , which plays a key role in the attacks in Paris and Brussels. editorial NOS Photo: Reuters
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