An Amsterdam who claims to be ripped off, demanding that the ING Bank personal release of the two bills which he paid 287,000 euros. The probability of this happening is small.
The suspect, John Joseph Rolsma, this requires in the summons of a lawsuit that needs tomorrow. Rolsma transferred money to a cafévriend for the purchase of a home and an investment in precious metals, but the money is gone and the cafévriend, who gave a false name, could not be found.
It is a special case of fraud. In Bridge cafe 34 in the Utrechtsestraat got to know one Rolsma Robby Dias de Oliveira in 2011. Dias de Oliveira said at that time married to Marinus West Rate.
Nothing on paper
In 2013 met Rolsma and Dias de Oliveira each other again. The man Dias de Oliveira would now be deceased from cancer, as suggested Dias de Oliveira, who claimed to be a doctor of Jewish origin.
Rolsma suffered in 2013 from prostate cancer itself. Dias de Oliveira also said to be suffering from cancer, and a relationship of trust developed between the two men.
Dias de Oliveira Rolsma convinced them to invest 287,000 euros in two installments in real estate and precious metals. Dias de Oliveira put did nothing on paper because in his circles would be a handshake binding.
Rolsma saw no deed of the property, but he also invested would purchase the precious metals Dias de Oliveira. Rolsma was a return of twenty to thirty percent in prospect, but that did not happen. Rolsma smelled a rat and demanded back his investment of 287,000 euros.In vain. Rolsma discovered that Dias de Oliveira was a fictitious name, as were false addresses of the self-proclaimed Jewish doctor.
Rolsma ING wants to force through the lawsuit to the holder (s) known to him. The probability that the bank does seem very small. "According to the Data Protection Act may not," said an officer of ING.
The bank recommends Rolsma to do reporting scams. If justice scams adopted, ING is justice indeed obliged to disclose the personal data of the two bills. Rolsma has been reported scams, but this is not yet proven. BY: JOP OF KEMPEN Photo: Reuters
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