The VVD joins the PvdA plan to test whether life could return prisoners after about 25 years in the community. The liberals consider the life sentence in its present form no longer tenable. That Trouw writes Friday citing sources at the Courtyard.
The government still needs to agree with this. That probably leans coming weeks on the matter. Both government parties want to preserve life as punishment, but to see the continued existence now come swerve judges threatened to lower penalties. Who think that perspective is missing in life because the government pardons rarely honors.
Unlike most other European countries is also genuine lifelong learning in the Netherlands.
Currently about thirty thugs sitting out a life sentence. It is intended that assesses a broad committee after some 25 years in prison if they can get leave or within the prison walls a little more freedom.
PvdA Jeroen Recourt came over a year ago with a proposal for such a test. Like judges he believes that people have to have perspective. Lifetime convicts can now only be released if the Minister of Justice accepts their request for clemency. That rarely happens.
Associate VVD coalition felt it earlier not to change the current system. But VVD MP Foorthuis of East now indicates that the party wants to make the decision for life 'future proof'. 'The practice is now that a judge lifelong not or hardly imposes. We want to change by applying a key moment, but then as far as possible in time. "
The VVD wants examines whether someone has evolved. "If not, then the penalty is maintained. It is certainly no right or automatism. "
The test must be performed by a broad-based committee and for the relatives of East sees a role. Only after such a test can begin the lengthy process as regards the VVD which see whether someone has changed. And only after a request for pardon follow.
In a few weeks, a proposal by Secretary Klaas Dijkhoff (Security and Justice) expected. Which announced earlier that he comes up with a new plan, because the punishment is likely to be no longer imposed after criticism of judges. The VVD wants the minister thereby also examine seriously whether the sentences for manslaughter and murder can up. By: Editor's AD Photo: Reuters
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