Monday morning, the police and the Prosecutor's Office conduct a large-scale operation against organized drug crime in Limburg and Brabant. These have so far searched more than a hundred houses and carried fifty arrests.
In the so-called rental Party King in the Brabant Best gathered dozens of criminals. They came together to agree on the trade and production of synthetic drugs. The police observed the meeting and afford so much information that resulted from some fifty separate projects. In total there were about 1,500 people from the police and prosecutors involved in the search of business premises and residences. Not only in Brabant and Limburg are made incursions also find a number in Rotterdam.
More than 700 people in recent years attended the meeting in Best, discovered that the police and the Public Prosecution. There will be a closer examination of all these people, and it is expected there will be carried out after more arrests today.
There have since been investigating dozens of observations and interventions carried out at the 'party rental' in Brabant. could be launched investigations on the basis thereof, and suspects are held. Moreover, this marked the end for cannabis plantations and drug labs, and there were found several weapons. door Caroline Tsao Photo: Reuters
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