I see her with girl friends take part in a musical. Spice Girls probably because she was spicy. I see her slim position on the schoolyard in the break. Not too close, but not too far from that handsome boy from the class they secretly like. Although I don't that they simply had stepped off. Because she was also directly. I see her on the hockey field. On the dance floor. On the tennis court. On the football field might be. I stop fast with imagine, or my eyeballs themselves with hefty loads salt water. Nothing wrong with crying, only writes it so tricky. Have a nice excuse for my spelling mistakes.
She is Luna, the daughter of my brother and his wife. Luna died 8 years ago on 4 at the age of a tumor in her brain stem. Last Thursday she would have celebrated her 12th birthday.
The first years there was only sadness and anger. Try to be grateful for the time we have had with her was no chance, for me at least. Merciless overshadowed by that what is not there and never will come. Just dark in my head. And if I'm already so feel, how should my brother or not feel? Perfect cocktail of thoughts to be depressed for years. What also happened, nothing was more of value. Great girlfriend? 5 years not seen. While she really was. And how. Best beautiful career with lots of travel and earn some money with what I like best find to do? Drop anyway. Good important.
Now I can though. Look back to the time they have was with us. And be thankful for. Enjoy that what is beautiful and was. The large loss continues, that will never go away. I will never have peace. But I have to learn to live with it. Really learn to live with it.
They have become 13 next year. And she would undoubtedly have had courtship with that cute, handsome boy of the school yard.
http://www.ad.nl/ by: Raemon Sluiter photo: www.bnr.nl
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