Netherlands Wednesday allowed for or against the Association Agreement between EU and Ukraine votes. Metro put a prominent front and opponent ten questions about the treaty. What's good and what is bad, the agreements with the Ukrainians? Why should we for, or against, should the treaty? Today: opponent Geert Wilders.
Why the European Union should conclude this treaty with Ukraine?
No treaty with Ukraine! The country is corrupt - according to Transparency International even more corrupt than Uganda, Ethiopia and Malawi - in war and sooner or later, such a treaty usually still leads to membership of the EU and thus to further EU. Do not do it!
What are the implications of the Treaty for Ukraine?
I was elected to serve Dutch interests and not Ukrainian. So the question set but a politician of Ukraine.
And for the Netherlands?
Disastrous. Ukraine will receive from the EU billions of which is also a part of us, visa-free travel to Europe and thus even more illegal immigration, and also to the Netherlands. Only cons so. Nobody is waiting for even more immigration and eventually even larger EU.
As of April 7, the day after the referendum, Ukrainians may as a result of this treaty travel freely in Europe. How many Ukrainians are expected to come to Europe and the Netherlands?
What no one knows, but it will be much is certain. There indeed are more and more asylum seekers and illegal immigrants from visa free countries: for example, the number of asylum applications from those countries by 40 percent after the previous visa liberalization with Albania.
Russia sees the treaty as a declaration of war. This puts the already difficult (business) relationship further sharp between the Netherlands and Russia. Will the growing trade with Ukraine, which this treaty is meant for, this offset?
Ukraine is divided into war and internal. It is very unwise to further tear a divided country.Ukraine is more or less neutral buffer between Europe and Russia's geopolitical sense than to maneuver against the will of some of the private-torn population towards the EU.
According to Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, put a Dutch "no" open the door to a major continental crisis. Is he right?
Juncker himself is incarnate continental crisis and a political idiot of the first order. With no one of the Dutch population shows the Dutch people just see that is not sovereign unelected European elite but the people themselves and decide what should be done.
Opponents believe that we should sign any treaty as long as there is uncertainty about the radar images of the wreck of the MH17. We can put a signature as long as we do not know who was responsible?
That treaty should anyway never be ratified.
Are you worried that this referendum is a statement of all government policy and not Ukraine will go?
The treaty with Ukraine over which the referendum is. But if people use it in addition to voice their dislike of the EU or the Rutte cabinet that is obviously not prohibited.
How important is the outcome of the referendum for the government?
Important. If there is sufficient rise and the majority votes against, then the government can not ignore result, although it is not formally binding referendum. It is the first time that there will be a referendum in the Netherlands on the initiative of the Dutch population. Ignoring the outcome is short for the next national elections, I believe political suicide for the coalition parties VVD and PvdA and will increase their unreliability in the population only further.
What are you going to vote yourself and you attempt to convince to do the same family and friends?
I will of course vote against. It is time that we choose our own country and bureaucrats and neppolitici that need correcting other interests. Now you can. Take advantage of that opportunity and go all vote Wednesday! It is exciting, so it pays votes. by Ebru Umar Photo Reuters
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