The government is saddled with an enormous problem are drawn to the no-voters in Ukraine referendum the longest straw. This enables political commentator Frits Wester. "The Cabinet can not make it to say, nice of you to come, but we do nothing."
It was all exciting election day or the attendance rate of 30 percent would be met. The initiators of the referendum could breathe freely in the course of the evening: over 32 percent of voters took the trouble to go to the polls, what the referendum was valid.
Cabinet has problem
The No camp had its act together better, says Frits Wester. The result of the referendum shows that counterparties have received their rank better on the leg than supporters, he said. "The proponents also have had no real campaign."
The government did not allow enough find themselves according to Wester. "There were some ministers on radio, TV and in newspapers, but apparently not enough." The government can not ignore the 'no' voters go, says Wester.
Chagrin for this camp
Wester mentions the chagrin at the camp for big, and he feels that there is loss of face: it is very unfortunate that this is happening while the Netherlands is the chairman of the European Union. Prime Minister Rutte should return to Europe to modify the treaty. "And he will do with leaden feet."
"Also, EU ministers are in fact not happy that a small country like the Netherlands now going through everything. The treaty will continue, but it will need to be adapted significantly." Prime Minister Mark Rutte said earlier that he would take seriously this signal "a victory for the 'no' camp.
Euphoric no voters
The euphoria in the no camp is great. "A great victory," said Thierry Baudet, one of the initiators of the referendum. "We have to congratulate the democracy."
And campaign manager John Rose is pleased with the victory: "There should be drunk on." The yes-camp, he said: "That has asked people to stay home I think that really is a shame for democracy.."
Rose said in his victory speech to keep Prime Minister Mark Rutte on his statement that "no such can not be simply geraticifeerd the treaty with Ukraine by the Netherlands'. Rose about 'Rutte, it is time that you listen to the will of the people' "Rose is not convinced that this will happen He referred to the Lisbon Treaty, which ranks as the European constitution.." They wanted we do not and we got him anyway. '' By: Yahoo! News Photo: Reuters
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