Recently, we called to send in your ideas about your ideal Dam. Here we publish a list of the most attractive responses. An idea? Mail it to and we add it to this blog.aal '
The National Monument again central. Place it exactly at the junction of the Damrak and Rokin, just within the current route of the tram tracks. This creates a square in front of the palace that is in better proportion.
In the eastern part of the dam, which is actually now might be again called Vijgendam, made a very different sort of second square. This is surrounded by trees and terraces, brick has a covering, and is increased with respect to the western Dam. This square is the lively Dam. The Western Dam holds its solemnity.
Green Damgordel
We propose to plant trees and so really pull the room together in a 'green Damgordel.
Entrepreneurs join forces
The operators of the dam will unite to make the square more beautiful. A concrete action plan is not there yet, but the main goal is to 'give more allure' Dam, straatmanager Evelien van Damme told Het Parool on Saturday.
"For example, you think of what we can do against the amount of hot dog carts and what we call the" mask monsters: the many street performers, "says Van Damme. "If now a tourist takes a picture of the dam, there is always a hot dog on. That we can not find."
Read the whole article at: By: Editor Parool Photo: Reuters
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