It ends with the independent position of ProRail. The government will "tighten the reins attract" the blundering track manager. According to insiders, is very likely that soon a National ProRail is coming to hang under the Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment.
Sources confirm a report by RTL News on Saturday that the government takes over the lead in the failed track organization. That message would be a "very early" draft government response to the parliamentary inquiry into the fiasco blunder train Fyra. Several scenarios are outlined in the confidential document on the future of ProRail, say those involved request.
The proposed change with the most political support includes a Rijkswaterstaat-like 'structure for the rail operator. In that case, pull the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment directly on the strings and ProRail is a minor version component: a Public Service Platform.
Alternatives to the government are an agency (an independent part of a ministry with its own management and budget) or an independent administrative body. This is an organization that carries out public tasks, but not directly under the authority of a ministry.
That last option is considered unlikely because an independently operating ProRail recent years has turned into an outright fiasco. The company is an unlisted company with the Dutch State as owner of the shares.
Read the whole article at: By: Editor Edwin van der Aa Photo: Reuters
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