'Parliamentary mini-survey to Panama Papers

Gepubliceerd op 11 april 2016 om 11:18

PvdA, SP and GroenLinks want to know more about tax structures that run through the Netherlands. The parties look to be held after the recent revelations in Panama Papers or a parliamentary mini-survey involved quickly and, if necessary, to hear under oath


D66, Christian Union, the Party for the Animals, Group Kuzu / Öztürk and Norbert Klein (Small Group) Sunday let know that they are for. With PvdA, SP and GroenLinks have these parties in parliament 77 seats, a small majority. It would be the first time that a parliamentary hearing is held.

The parliamentary interrogation is to get a new tool with which the MPs information. A committee headed by Socialist Party MP Ronald van Raak suggested previously to gain experience with it five years this year. The three parties see this option because in previous hearings example, shell companies and tax structures of various multinationals persons who were invited did not show up.

The MPs Ed Groot (PvdA), Merkies Arnold (SP) and Rik Grashoff (GL) indicate Sunday that if necessary "to gain deeper insight into the nature and scope of international tax structures" through a parliamentary mini-survey. They also want to know if the Tax Administration is able to act effectively against international tax evasion and tax avoidance. The three parties want to include the tax consultancy and trust company Infintax based on the Amsterdam Zuidas told that appeared in the Panama Papers. The tax structures used by multinationals like Ikea, Starbucks and Google, like SP, GroenLinks and PvdA let dealt.

,, A good initiative of the SP and other parties. We must not only investigate tax evasion but also tax evasion. It seems that many things are already banned, are not enforced by the government. The tax authorities lack capacity to pursue this? Or is there another problem ?, find Wouter Koolmees (D66).

http://www.ad.nl/  By: Editor's AD Photo: Reuters


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