Two directors of homecare provider Alliade give on behalf of the health care for millions contracts to companies that they own themselves.
According to research from Yahoo! News Research editorial, the news channel reported Monday. According to experts, there is forbidden interest.
The director and have now ex-director of Alliade addition to their principal function, a series of healthcare companies owned, operating under the holding Freya Group. They have set up various subcontracting arrangements between Alliade and companies from the Freya Group.
For example, the directors bring home care clients Alliade under the thuiszorgtak their own Freya Group. Through this structure flow annual turnover barrels towards the directors, rising to 730,000 in 2014.
The respective directors confirm the structure, but emphasize that it was never meant for self-enrichment. The experts RTL News has spoken, however, believe that there is no excuse for such for millions contracts to companies that they own themselves. By: ANP and Metro Photo: Reuters
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